The basic idea of a concept map is to identify the connections between the ideas presented.
Take a look at the following concept map. The map includes some of the political concepts that we have covered so far.
Your task is to think critically about the concepts and identify the ways that they may link together.
You can download the concept map as a pdf (see the top of this post). You are free to make some brief notes on the map and then share your ideas by uploading your annotated map in the comments section below this post. Alternatively, you could write a sentence or two about the following and post them into the comments.
You do not need to answer all of the questions, but try to select three questions that you would like to offer a response to.
1. How does the political concept of democracy link to constitutions?
2. Explain the link between constitutions and rights and responsibilities.
3. How are the political concepts of power and constitutions linked?
4. What is the relationship between the political concept of legitimacy and constitutions?
5. Must constitutions and democracy be linked?
6. Are the concepts in the 'right' order?
7. Can you make another suggestion of relationships between these political concepts?
8. What other political concepts could be on this concept map?
9. Is the political concept of democracy 'the end'?
10. Could you swap the political concept of democracy for an alternative concept?