Global Interactions

Hannah Young

If you are interested in international relations, you will enjoy this task.

Understanding the relationships (both positive and negative) between countries is fundamental if we want to understand why governments act in certain ways.

Your task is to look at the images below and identify what links the countries. This could be related to economic/trade relationships, diplomatic relationships, conflicts, pacts, membership of international organisations, alliances against other countries, state sponsored terrorism, extradition agreements, sanctions, relationships based on a common interest, relationships based on access to sea ports, international aid, support for space programmes.....the list is endless. The links can be both historic and current.

Each set of global connections for you to think through can be found by clicking through the images at the top of this post. Add your thoughts into the comments below and then provide a global connection for your peers to try and figure out.

  • Slide 1: Global Interaction countries: USA, China, Venezuela, India & Iran
  • Slide 2: Global Interaction countries: Russia, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, UK & Iran
  • Slide 3: Global Interaction countries: Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Lebanon, UK & Iran.