To what extent are the key features of political ideologies different?
You must refer to two political ideologies and also to the ideas of relevant theorists. (20)
There are two main political ideologies, conservatism, and socialism. Conservatism believes that people should follow the guidance and wisdom which has been passed down from our ancestors, however, to be able to do this the citizens need to be led by an authoritative leader and humans are untrustworthy and selfish. While socialism on the other hand is made up of 2 elements, a criticism of capitalism and creating a blueprint for an alternative way to organize society. Socialist thinkers believe that being optimistic of human nature is the best way forward and by allowing humans to work together. Both conservative and socialist thinkers have different beliefs on how their way of thinking effects property, economy, society, and human nature. This essay intends to argue that both conservatism and socialism are very different political ideologies.
Conservative thinkers such as John Locke believe that the ownership of property is vital if society is to maintain a higher archery and this would be able to continue from the wisdom and wealth passed down and inherited through generations. Then when the industrial revolution happened in the UK in the 50s this began to be threatened as a new middle class was created this would then mean that if the conservative thinkers could stay ‘in power’ they needed to relay on the middle class’ vote for the conservatives as they had the influence to change or sway political decision making now. However socialist thinkers such as Robert Owen otherwise known as the father of British socialism and the utopian socialists believed in collectivism within property. This would then create social justice and equality within the community. This was because they believe that capitalism only magnifies the evils of which private ownership generates the wealth for many which is then not put back into society to improve the living conditions and lives of the working classes. Owen was a philanthropist and dedicated his life to creating a society which could be based off of compassion, communitarianism, and cooperation. This was all done by Owen creating a town out of the wealth he inherited from his family farm as he believed that capitalism didn’t need to exploit British workers. This therefore shows although very opposing views as one wants a working class to remain and one wants to remove it, they do have one semi-common goal that anyone who wants a property should be allowed to have property. However in this respect once again this is only a semi-common goal and other than that both conservatism and socialism completely disagree on how people should be able to achieve this and on what level.
Both conservative and socialist thinkers have different viewpoints on human nature. Traditional conservatism thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes adopt a very pessimistic view on human nature. Believing that humans are very much flawed and that they are incapable of looking after themselves and others meaning that they need heavy guidance from a strong and powerful government. This is because they believe that when humans are useless if left to their own devices and are irrational which then of course creates mass chaos, conservative thinkers also believe that it is impossible for there to ever be complete equality between humans due to human nature, this is otherwise known as Noblesse Oblige. Thomas Hobbes had the exact same view that humans were needy and vulnerable and therefore were untrustworthy. Hobbes also believe that humans were solely driven by their ruthless self interest which therefore made them incapable of deciding if the behavior's of others are acceptable. While on the other hand socialist thinkers adopt an optimistic view on human nature, believing that humans are self-reliant, helpful, and cooperative naturally therefore causing humans to go and seek positive relationships with other beings. Socialists also believe that fraternity is a massive threat as it suggests that the characterization of human being is being diluted by capitalism and therefore being replaced by competition and greed within society. Beatrice Webb a evolutionary socialist believed that capitalism is the scourge of society and damages human nature. Webb also believed that the core values of socialism could co-exist in a capitalist system and capitalism can help to reduce the inequalities within services such as healthcare and education. Therefore upon analysis both conservatism and socialism have extremely opposing views on human nature. They have completely different views on how people are and how people should be viewed upon as one believes that humans are driven to come and work together with likeminded people however conservative thinkers think the only possible way forward for continued human growth is via an authority trained in power to rule over people.
Another aspect in which conservative and socialist thinkers are said to have opposing views is with economy. The overall conservative viewpoint of economy is that it works best under a lassiez faire capitalist system which was adopted in Britain in the late 1800s. this means that there is very limited interference from the government while allowing anyone, of course with the money, to start businesses, buy property and stick and benefit from the wealth received in return. One theorist who did not accept this was Edmund Burke who believed that the only way to have stability within the economy was to follow the routes of tradition, experience, and hierarchy. This then meant that caution would need to be exercised in order for change to be successful while having the continuity of the past in creating a stable future. However in order to be able to prosper in a capitalist society uncertainty and risks would need to be taken, which could lead to having to accept a balanced power in breaking the continuality of powerful figures which would leave the economy unstable. However he did believe that there should be equality. While on the other hand socialist thinkers had varied views on a capitalist economy that it could either be worked with or that it should be crushed. Karl Marx and Engels believed that free market capitalism only served in order to exploit workers and therefore create mass inequality, this meant that they though the only way of removing capitalism would be by a socialist revolution which would give economic and political power to the workforce. They believed that this could only be done by a 10-stage revolution beginning with primitive societies and ending with the end of history which would be guided by socialism and would be the peak of human achievement. Upon analysis this means there is one link between both ideologies that change to the economy needs to be continuous whether we like it or not in order to be able to flourish. However there is an implication with the socialist revolt and 10-stage theory as there could never be a stage-10 end if history as we will never know if we will or are at the peak of human achievement.
Finally both conservative and socialist thinkers both have views on society and how it should be run. Conservative theorist Thomas Hobbes believed people were needy, vulnerable and would be easily led astray and was concerned about the fate of society if it weren’t reined over by a controller. Hobbes also believed that in order to keep a peaceful society there needed to be a strong and powerful leader that would save people from the ‘state of nature’ otherwise society would rein in a state of chaos and violence and without a society run like this it would be heavily undesirable. He believed we were all signed up into a contract with others in our society and as a collective some freedoms would have to be given up while the ruler had the right to decide what to do as long as they acted morally. Socialist thinkers like Rosa Luxemburg who helped found the spartactist revolt of January 1919 in Berlin. She believed that the masses of people are in reality their own leaders which help to create their own development process and that the more social democracy evolves and grows and becomes stronger the more the masses became enlightened causing workers to take their own leadership of their movement and determination into their own hands. She also described the Bourgeoisie which is the social order which is dominated by the middle-class. This was based heavily upon Marx’s theory and would mean the end of exploitation and alienation of the workforce and would create a stable society organized around ownership which produces everything to fit the needs of the workforce. On balance with their views upon society they do have similarities as they both believe that for a society to work that people need to have ownership and that everyone in a society needs to come together in order to make the society to work.
In conclusion it could be argued that there are a number of differences and similarities between the political ideologies, conservatism, and socialism. On the one hand similarities can be seen in relation to the views of human nature that everyone has needs and wants and that everyone has some sort of right that helps to sway or influence political decisions. However on the other hand differences can be seen with regards to how each political ideology views humans and how they believe they react to when given power and how social equality can be achieved and given. Both ideologies show similarities in their opinions in property as they both believe that people are entitled to property and a place to live. However on the other hand they show significant differences as conservative thinkers only think that property should be owned by a hierarchy and this is crucial if it means that conservatism is to stay intact, while socialist thinkers believe that common ownership should be the only system in place and any money made from it should go into improving the lives of the work force. On one hand both conservative and socialist thinkers do have limited similarities in comparison to the economy as both ideologies believe that equality for all should be served. Yet on the other hand they have very apparent differences such as one believing in a lassiez-faire system with minimal government help meaning only the successful could grow while socialists believe in a free economy which would help everyone to grow together. Finally conservatism and socialism shows similarities within society as they do both believe that society needs to be stable and that everyone has a place in society. However there are still varied differences as they believe in different things as such how society should be run and where everyone’s place is in a society and what they should do to have their place.