Explore Food Movement Precedents

Joselyn McDonald


Across the planet, the movement to use more locally-produced foods is gathering momentum. In this first section of the challenge, you are provided with examples or precedents of local food initiatives from around the world. This is your precedent research. These precedents aim to inspire you to think broadly about the approach you might take to creating and sharing a recipe that includes foods grown or produced in your local area. 

Part A: Precedent Review

Read the examples given in the Food Movements Precedents tab above (or use the link here).  Pick one or more precedent, and explore it further using the web link provided.

Part B: Activity (to be included in your final submission) 

Write 2-3 sentences about the precedent or precedents you chose to explore further. Answer some of the following questions: Why did you choose that precedent? What did the creators of the movement do that was interesting or unique? What do you think has been the impact of their work? 

Keep your sentences, as you will be asked to submit these along with your recipe design at the end of the Challenge.

>>Proceed to Step 2.

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