This video explores race as a power relationship. Topics discussed include the Black Lives Matter global movement, the murder of George Floyd, President Trump's reaction to Floyd's death, the Atlantic Slave Trade, Jim Crow Laws, the KKK, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Booker T. Washington, Black Panthers, 1968 Olympic, the Windrush Scandal, the murder of Stephen Lawrence, the writing of Robin DiAngelo, Audre Lorde and George Moses Horton.
If you are interested in undertaking further reading about some of the issues raised in this video, follow the links below:
Once you have watched the video, try to construct three questions that you would like to ask as a result. Use three of the following questions starters to get you started:
- Why....?
- How would it be different if....?
- What are the reasons....?
- Suppose that....?
- What if....?
- What if we knew....?
- What is the purpose of....?
- What would change if....?
What new ideas or perceptions do you have about political decision making that you did not have before watching this video?
Post your three questions and your response to the question above in the space below: