This task links to the SQA Course Assessment Specification (CAS): Authority - authority as rightful power which implies an obligation to obey, Max Weber’s three types of authority: traditional, charismatic and legal-rational. Legitimacy:the sense of rightfulness, the relevance of Max Weber’s classifications, the ways in which legitimacy may be enabled, the impact on a political system of the loss of legitimacy.
You may find the video above helpful in understanding Max Weber's types of authority.
Read the following response to the question: 'Analyse the relevance of Max Weber's types of authority'. This is an examination-style question.
As you read through the text attached to this post above, select the points that you believe are facts and examples. You could present them underneath the headings, 'Knowledge - Facts' and 'Knowledge – Examples'
You should then identify the points in the text that look more like a comment about the relevance of Weber's types of authority. These sentences will look and sound different to the knowledge points that are made up of facts and examples. Write these under the heading, 'Analysis'.
Watch the Prezi presentation and think about the points made about the limitations of Weber's theories about authority. Note these points in your notes under the heading, 'Limitations'.
You may also wish to undertake some additional wider reading about the relevance of Weber's theories of authority in the 21st century.
You should expect to spend between 45 and 60 minutes on this task.
You should upload your notes to your student folder.