This task links to the Course Assessment Specification (CAS): Democracy - arguments for and against direct democracy, arguments for and against representative democracy and theorists.
Skills Link: drawing on factual and conceptual knowledge of political systems, comparing and contrasting different political systems, making generalisations, where appropriate, on the political process and researching, analysing, evaluating and synthesising information from a wide range of political sources.
At this point we have accumulated detailed notes about theorists and their views about democracy and have organised our ideas about the superiority of direct and representative democracy in terms of their practicality, accountability, ability to represent the people and allow participation in the political process.
You should now look at your completed Comparative Analysis Grids and shade or highlight the areas that show superiority in terms of the four aspects discussed. So, if you believe that representative democracy is a superior form of democracy when it comes to practicality, you should highlight that box in the Grid. Doing this step will help you to see clearly which form of democracy is superior in relation to each aspect.
For specific guidance on the technique required for this examination skill, follow this link.
You may upload your response to your student folder.