This task links to the Course Assessment Specification (CAS): The executive branch -the distribution of power, the function of policy-making & the relationship between the executive and other branches of government.
Attached to this post is a response to the question:
'The UK Prime Minister has greater power than the US President'. Discuss.
Read the essay attached on the topic of executive power in the UK and US political systems. Select the following (perhaps by highlighting or copying and pasting sentences into a document under the headings below or even changing the colour of the text in the document according a key that references the headings bellow):
- Knowledge points (facts)
- Knowledge points (explanations or specific examples)
- Analysis points (comments on the knowledge, comments that highlight importance, significance, comparison, differences, viewpoints etc
When you have done this, I would like you to summarise the main argument of this essay in no more than 250 words. You can add your work to your student folder.