20-mark extended response

Hannah Young

Traditional grassroots campaigning remains the most effective strategy for political parties during elections. Discuss. (20) (Specimen Paper)

In total you will need to include 8 Knowledge points. The SQA stipulates that up to 5 of these 8 marks should be 'Knowledge and understanding scope' which we will call 'Descriptive Knowledge'. The marking annotation 'K' will be used to award marks for this. Up to 5 marks out of these 8 marks should be 'Knowledge and understanding development' which we will call 'Detailed Examples or Explanations'. The marking annotation 'Keg' will be used to award marks for this.

You will need to include 6 'Analysis' points and 4 'Conclusions' points. The remaining 2 marks are awarded for 'Structure'. These marks can be achieved by ensuring that your introduction clarifies the issue, and that the main body of your essay presents evidence and develops a clear and consistent line of argument.

Revisit the video lesson on the 20 mark democracy essay or the 20 mark political ideologies essay to remind yourself of how you approached these tasks.

When you are ready, please upload your response to your student folder.