Vietnamese Hand Washing Song Goes Global

Joselyn McDonald

This is a good example of a project that aimed to change human behaviour when it comes to good hand hygiene - through music and dance! 

"The [Vietnamese] health ministry worked with the singers and with producer Khắc Hưng to write a new version of the song with lyrics about fighting coronavirus. Min released the video on her YouTube channel, bringing the health message to her 1.2 million subscribers.

The dancer Quang Đăng quickly choreographed a dance to the song with moves that are TikTok ready, from hand-washing to donning a mask."

Learn more about clever Covid-19 campaigns and messaging from around the world here.

Black Paint Handwashing Demo

Jackie Smith

This video went viral during the coronavirus pandemic - watch and see if it makes you change how you wash your hands!

Handwashing to Happy Birthday

Jackie Smith

In the UK, the NHS recommended singing 'Happy Birthday' twice to ensure washing your hands for long enough - a simple idea that was repeated in lots of public health messages.  Even the Prime Minister was doing it!

This precedent isn't about handwashing, rather it focuses on fun interventions that caused people to change their behaviours. 

"How do you get people to change behaviour and do the right thing? How do you incentivise doing good? Volkswagen answered these questions with The Fun Theory. They staged different public interventions: a piano staircase, a bin with a fifty-foot drop, the bottle-bank arcade, fast lanes in supermarkets and subways, and a speed-camera lottery.

'The Fun Theory' proved to be true – all of the interventions were used much more than other local options – the stairs, which were right next to an escalator, were used 66% more than normal as people took their time playing a tune. These ideas and the reactions from people were filmed and then made available online as viral films, where they performed very well. This campaign proves to be so cutting edge because it straddles the line between ambient and viral and at the same time espouses an idea more than a specific brand message. It’s all about doing good and having fun."

Learn more about The Fun Theory and watch the intervention videos here